"...God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me."

- Gen. 21:6

Monday, March 24

back from Utah

So Chase and I went on a little trip to Utah to visit my family and we had a really good time. His Grandma - known as "Mamas" to the grandchildren - has everything Chase could possibly need. It made traveling so much easier not to have to worry about a car seat, stroller, bed, bouncer seat, high chair (not that I would take all of that, but it was nice that my Mom had the stuff!). hangin' out with Aunt Amy and the cousins (only Bryson & Danyka...Andon wasn't feeling very camera happy at the moment) Amy, it was so much fun watching you play volleyball again, it's been years!
Chase hardly slept the first few days we were there. He was so excited by the new surroundings and all the little cousins doting on him. He was too wired to take naps and he went to bed really late (exaggerated by the fact that they are an hour ahead of us too). But, finally about 3 days into the trip he crashed. He took 3 or 4 naps and slept for a wonderful, first time ever, 9 hour stretch at night (followed by another couple hours after feeding). Then, he was back to his excited little self!
Our nephew, Bryson, was more than happy to entertain Chase and would try almost anything to get him to laugh (which worked because Chase laughed at everything he did - he thought Bryson and his other little cousins were the funniest things around!)

Bryson is a pro at taking pictures...Chase wasn't so ready!
Chase also loved all the attention he got from his Mamas and Papa (the other bald man in the family!)

His Uncle Daniel is already a pro when it comes to kids, he's so good with his little nephews and nieces! And, he's single...so any girls lookin' for a guy who's good with kids, here's your man! :)

Little Danyka took it upon herself to make sure Chase always had his pacifier (even if it was already in his mouth, she would take it out and then give it to him herself!) She kept "giving him loves". It was cute to see her play "Mom" with him. I think Chase got a little overwhelmed by all the attention from not just the adults, but the little kids!

Sunday, March 16

time for a change

So I always get my hair done while I'm visiting my family in Utah and this trip is no exception! I knew I wanted a big change (last July when we visited I cut off about 13''!) but I was still undecided when we went to the salon (Mild to Wild - really fun salon!). My philosophy on hair is this...it's just hair and it doesn't matter, it grows back! So I don't get nervous about making big changes.
I changed the color - decided to go dark, and I love it (had to make sure to do the eyebrows too!) I think it's really fun! I'm still not positive if Bruce likes it or not (I won't see him for another week). My sister and I look a lot more alike now!

Monday, March 10


Look at that baby face! (Chase is adorable too!)

Bruce was able to get the afternoon off today and to celebrate his birthday we went out to lunch. He chose the Mongolian BBQ, it was yummy! I feel really bad though because I don't have his birthday present for him! I did get him something, however, I ordered it and its not here yet. Hopefully it gets here before I leave for Utah on Wednesday!

We also had Chase's 4 month doctor's appointment today and he was all smiles and excitement when we got there. He even rolled over more than he's ever done before! It's no surprise that we have a big boy on our hands, so we weren't shocked to hear he's just shy of 17 lbs. and just under 26'' tall (that's at least 90% in every both categories...let's just hope that stays true with academics!)

Saturday, March 8

not so surprise party

I was planning a surprise birthday party on Saturday for Bruce and it was going really well, he had no idea! We had talked about going out to dinner on his birthday (Monday) then randomly on Thursday night while he was on the computer he asked me, "so...what if I want to go out to dinner on Saturday instead?" I told him it didn't matter, it's his birthday (playin' it cool!). Well, he was all smiles, so I knew something was up (he's not so good at keeping things from me!) He had just checked his emails and wouldn't you know it...our friends Luke & Meghann sent an email explaining they won't be able to make it to the birthday BBQ! So...not only did they ruin the surprise, but they can't make it to the party too!
I had sent them an email from Bruce's account so they would know who it was and read it, but in the email I explained that it was a surprise and to call my cell...oh well! He was totally excited anyways and now I got to have him help get the house cleaned! We had a fun time just hangin' out and enjoying some really good steak, and thanks so much to Elena, Keri and Debbie for helping with the food, it was all VERY good!

Chase & Grandpa Wayne have a good time with each other,
Chase is 4 months old today!
We love you Bruce! We hope you enjoyed your party (with the awesome Superman happy birthday balloon!)

Wednesday, March 5

My Mom sent this picture to me of the new first presidency of the church. President Hinckley was the most influential and prominent prophet during my life so far, and I think it's amazing all the work he did to get so many temples built! Each Prophet seems to have his own "theme" or "platform" while they are serving and it'll be interesting to see President Monson's.